"Live from Kellers Cellar" was born out of Quarantine 2020. When everything shut down and no one knew how long it would last, we decided to jump into action and figure out how to live stream. It started off at its most basic, with one guitar and a laptop camera and each week my wife and I tried to make it a little better and learn a little more until we eventually brought in my longtime sound engineer, Louis Gosain, to step things up. He went on a mission to purchase about a dozen old iPhones off eBay (for their cameras) and a variety of tripods and create many angles and we began to use different rooms of our basement (the cellar). We went live every Monday and Wednesday night for many months, eventually getting up to 65 episodes. We incorporated my kids, my many cats and dog Yogi and we even had the Keels visit as special guests.
Along the way we collected an electric and energetic mix of wonderful folks who tuned in each week that we dubbed "Keller’s Cellar Dwellers". This group bonded with one another over the group chat feature, learning each other’s user names, requesting songs and built an amazing community that is still going strong and meeting up in person at shows.
We are immensely grateful for those Cellar Dwellers and the collective experience of how important community is, especially during the times of uncertainty we were all facing. We plan to bring the streams back from time to time when we can. Stay tuned! Kw