New Album DEER - LISTEN NOW / Featuring the single "Hippies For The Win"




Definition: Family friendly album that spawned a dozen matinee kid shows that came a went like a rainbow

“Ever since I heard “Not for Kids Only” from David Grisman and Jerry Garcia, I knew a kids record was in my future. Way far into my future. I had almost half of the record made up long before I had kids. Once my daughter was old enough to sing along, I started spinning these demos in the car, of the kids songs I had made up.  Next thing you know, she was singing along. This motivated studio sessions and the “ KIDS” record was made, we even made a video. Sirius/XM’s channel 78 – “Kids Place Live” show spun 3 or 4 tunes from that record. One tune in particular, “Mama Tooted”  was played so many times that it suffered a “mommie veto”, meaning mommies could call in and ask to remove that song from the playlist for a week. This made me proud. This motivated matinee kid shows. We would simply book a night show for a Saturday night and load in at 9 am, doing two shows a day. The matinees were complete with a massive drum circle right when the doors opened, full video, a balloon drop, confetti cannons, bubble machines and exit parades. I wouldn’t have changed a thing. However, like any great party…it has to end. I have currently retired that show but I am proud the record will live on. Celebrate your youth.” –Kw


